Can Cars Run On Water?

By American Intelligence Media contributor Condor


The answer is “Yes”.  We sponsored a seminar in November of 2016. For the workshop we flew in one of my engineers from Ohio and we invited some other local engine experts to participate. We videotaped and documented the construction of a simple piping system which was claimed could run an engine smoothly on a mixture of approximately 40% gasoline/60% water-Coke mixture (it was diet-Coke since that is what I happen to have on hand) from plumbing pipes and tubes which could be purchased from any hardware store.


Geet operator.png


Each of the participants assembled hardware and then, while filming the entire two-day workshop, we took one of the piping assemblies attached it to the small engine.  The engine preformed as promised. Thereafter, we even conducted a post video with all participants to discuss our conclusions.

The plumbing technology was essentially straight forward, simple, but also ingenious. I drew up a sketch to give an overview of the mechanics of the device seen to the right by Paul Pantone.  In my opinion, the engine ultimately is running off clean hydrogen produced from the unique arrangement of simple piping, which, again, can be purchased from any hardware store.

The hot exhaust gases from the engine (seen in red) is drawn into the base of a fuel bubbler.  The liquid fuel mixture is raised in temperature. Liquid begins turning to vapor in the bubbler. The vapor fuel (seen in black) begins expanding. It enters a center tube and accelerates in flows towards the engine due to higher outside wall temperatures from the engine exhaust.


geet 1980


Due to a suspended, spinning thin magnetic center rod (not seen in the image), the fuel vapor racing towards the engine, is subject to high vortices’ shearing forces and Mach 1 speeds. This unique combination ultimately atomizes the fuel vapor into oxygen and hydrogen and possibly some other basic elements.  The engine efficiently runs on the abundant hydrogen which is made available from the process. The only waste product measured and released to the atmosphere appears to be oxygen.

What did the inventor of this 1980s technology achieve due to all his creativity? It appears an early grave. See:

Paul Pantone Suffered Horrendous Persecution 

At one point he was arrested for advertising his technology after being warned not to.  As the above link explains he was thereafter imprisoned and tortured in a mental hospital for several years because he was deemed, by a hand-picked judge, as mentally unstable for not accepting millions of dollars for a worthless patent by a government agency which wanted to buy him out.  I kid you not!

To get additional facts about the Shadow government and Deep State suppression, sabotage, thief, and when necessary, the killing of American inventors to protect their polluting monopolies, under the National Security Act, see

The Free Energy Revolution Has Begun

This major article provides other technologies around the world which could end the petroleum age if adopted in the U.S. while also ending pollution of the environment.

Sadly, GEET technology is but one case in possibly over 5,000 on the books over the last century.  To learn more, see AIM4Truth video link:

Secrecy Orders at US Patent Office

This video suggests the powers-that-be could readily end the age of petroleum and clean up the environment with many of these energy technologies they have been suppressing over the decades.  Why haven’t they?

It is more than just being in the business of making money with their global oil monopolies. These elites are also behind the environmental movement which they took control of by the early 1980s. These global elites have plans for humanity and need a global crisis to execute their plans. Their crisis of choice is climate change. As you know, climatologist, David Dilley has strong evidence climate change is a natural phenomenon associated with climate cycles theory.  It has nothing to do with man breathing out carbon dioxide.

At Protocols of the Illuminated Suns of the Golden Dawn (Part 1) there is an excellent article exposing the global elites and their agenda. In the article the author states:

Man made climate change, on the other hand, is a mistaken theory at best and a cynical lie at worst. The man made climate change fiction was coopted by globalist financiers when they realized that it could be used as a.) an excuse for a multi-trillion dollar carbon credit scheme, created to suppress the US and EU economies, control the world economy, and create optimal conditions for the adoption of a one world government, the NWO, and b.) an excuse for ‘population control’ and supposed ‘eugenics’ practices. It is relatively easy to convince a psychopath to go along with a plan to kill billions of people in wars, or through poisoning or epidemics, if they are convinced that it is necessary for the survival of the human race.

If you think this sounds crazy, I would understand such a reaction.  Still you might find a 36-page article of interest.  It is a Georgetown University, 2016 paper titled: Population Engineering and the Fight against Climate Change

The paper suggests we have already lost the global warming war. These professors suggest we must start wiping out vast populations of the world to save the planet itself.  On page 15, it suggests one of the best places to start wiping out humanity is within the United States. It is due to the fact Americans have the largest energy footprint per human. Again, I kid you not. These professors write:

But this raises a question: Why bother to reduce fertility in developing nations at all? If the United States and other developed nations are the real problem, then our efforts, surely, ought to focus exclusively on reducing their numbers. But this is also too simplistic. Many of the world’s poor are becoming richer, and all the rest ought to become richer. That is, it is both descriptively true that many of the world’s poor will have higher per capita GHG emissions because of economic development over the next century, and normatively true that they ought to be allowed to develop this way.

Summary of page 15 as I see it…Genocide best start in United States because of world’s wealthy consuming far more GHG (greenhouse gases) than developing countries.  Genocide advisable with any of the rich (except Global elites?)

I want to bring to your attention another article where some government agency, again back in 2016, predicted the U.S. population (possibly under a President Hillary Clinton) was going to fall from 324 million people to less than 54 million (83% reduction) by 2025!  See image to right from this Deagel link:

Deagel Future U.S. Population

Deagel stats

Had they collaborated with the Georgetown professors? Again, all this is based on false CO2 – global warming claims going back almost eight decades!

Why almost eight decades?  I would recommend one last link involving the Thorium Story going back to its discovery as a new global heating source in 1942. American Intelligence Media recently released a new major document associated with the history of a seventy-six-year war with “Global Elites” to bring clean, inexpensive and abundant Thorium related technologies to market. See:


Thorium article picture.

Thorium Energy Technology Can Free The World From Nuclear Poisons Today

If readers have comments or questions, please leave them below.




3 thoughts on “Can Cars Run On Water?”

  1. This would be better than solar for any household. If true, a simple generator, from a small engine, say a 4-cylinder Honda engine, could on demand generate enough energy for the avg. household. It would be foolhardy to think of an engine running at every household for electrical energy, or is it? If the by-products are not harmful, and the ‘noise’ is contained in a contained chamber, why is there not one in each house in suburbia, or for bldgs.? Taking it to the next step, use natural gas in ‘turbine technology’ as the mixture fuel, and generate electricity for a whole grid. The obvious answer is that the criminal cartels won’t let it happen on a large scale, but if ‘guerilla technology’ was implemented, it would become so disruptive, and commonplace, that it then could not be ignored. Someone needs to start the movement for GEET as a guerilla energy movement. The simple elimination of batteries, the toxic solar panels, eliminate silicon tetrachloride storage, and on-demand horsepower would be much cheaper in total.

    James M. Miller

    (425) 471-8101

  2. all of this needs to be launched form third world countries… where they do not have infrastructure in place that is out dated any ways instantly the third world will leap frog the ” first world nations” in an instant and realize dominance if they wanted to.. but they would not for the spirit within will step in front of the ego and speak on behalf of world in the frequency of spirit and slay ignorance with the sword of love which is a caress of love … : )

  3. Geet technology is not as easy as it sounds. Although Paul Pantone has passed on, there are many that have continued the research. This is a sensitive technology that is difficult to replicate. While it is possible to run with only water, Paul warned not to do so because of the danger. Everyone that I know that has gone public getting a car to run on water died shortly after. If interested in this technology, I recommend TeslaTech Extraordinary Technology conference in August in Albuquerque, NM. You can meet these researchers there.

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