John Roberts Must be Impeached for Treason


john roberts queen pilgrims 2

We have the facts. John Roberts is controlled by the Queen’s Privy Council and the Pilgrims Society. Stay tuned to the Cat Report for intel drops over the next few days.

John Roberts is 100% TRAITOR SCUMBAG.

Impeach roberts

Below information is what our miners found out on their first day of data digging on Scumbag Roberts. Stay tuned for the BIG FINDS that are coming later this week.

John Roberts traitor

The miners are finished with James E. Boasberg for now and head over to a tunnel that they had started a while back but had to leave for other digs. Below are some of their older finds. We will be looking into his connections to the Knights of Malta, human trafficking, and sleazy payoffs.

boasberg tile

Watch him speak during the Senate trials. He doesn’t talk much, but when he does, you will be shocked at what a doofus he is. The media has done a very canary in minegood job keeping the real John Roberts out of the propaganda media cycle. What we found was a phlegmatic dullard running the Senate impeachment trial. Now we are going to find out why he is really the head of the Supreme Court.

Watch out, SCUMBAG ROBERTS. The AFI miners sharpened their tools, loaded up the cheesecake and coffee kiosk, and brought in a few fresh canaries.

In December 1983, AIB acquired 43% of the outstanding shares of First Maryland Bancorp (“FMB”). In 1989, AIB completed the acquisition of 100% of the outstanding shares of common stock of FMB. Over the years there were a number of “bolt-on” acquisitions, the most notable being Dauphin Deposit Bank and Trust Company (“Dauphin”) a Pennsylvania chartered commercial bank which was acquired in 1997. Subsequently, all banking operations were merged into Allfirst Bank.

John G. Roberts, Sr. was appointed an FMB director in this year.

Allied Irish Bank Officials Dancing Jig Over Acquisition Of First Maryland Bancorp – The Washington Post_repaired

jane sullivan

john roberts in malta

Amid growing fallout over his surprise healthcare vote, Chief Supreme Court Justice John Roberts has fled the country amid growing fallout over his surprise vote in last week’s landmark healthcare ruling.

Associated Press photographer Lino Arrigo Azzopardi found the embattled justice in the Mediterranean island nation Malta, where he will be teaching a class (and hiding out from his new conservative adversaries) for the next two weeks.

roberts with suitcase of money

Globalist Scumbag John Roberts is Responsible for All 11 FISA Court Judges and for the Illegal Spying Conducted on Trump and other Americans

roberts and fisa court

The Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs. (1983-1986). Past Distinguished Speakers, Approved For Release 2011/01/10, CIA-RDP88B00443R000502190007-1. CIA-BCFA.

baltimore council foreign relations

During this time, John G. Roberts, Sr. was made a director (1983-1985) of First National Bank of Maryland (while Baby Roberts was White House for Daddy Bush (1982-86)) and approved the sale of about half of FNBA stock to Allied Irish Bank, effectively giving Allied Irish control of one of America’s banks headquartered in Washington, D.C.

baltimore council 1dinnerstrusteesbank marylandbank members 1bank members 2

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6 thoughts on “John Roberts Must be Impeached for Treason”

  1. They really made sure there wasn’t an honest man in any seat of power. We’ve been taken over from within.

    1. Yes, we have been infiltrated by the enemy. But actually it was a set up from the first time any so-called Pilgrim landed in the New World. The Monarch has always controlled us in one way or another. But now that Boris will want a really great bilateral deal with the US, Trump has his international chess board set up like a champ.

  2. The ruling about stretching out the date of the presidential election by 3 days in Pennsylvania should convince us all of Robert’s intent to disrupt the voting process

  3. Your career is over Robert’s. You’ll be impeached or forced to leave. It’s just a matter of time. COWARD!!

  4. Hang him now he is a traitor that’s what the constitution says along with the other judges that are corrupt or traitors

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