How to Write a Letter to Congressional Representatives and the President

@2019 by Randall E. White, author of American Popular Sovereignty

The Twelve Questions Letter

This blog provides an example of effective administrative letter-writing as a vehicle to achieving political remedy. When raising an issue on the national level of government, the essential elements of effective letter-writing include:

  1. Writing to the five essential representative offices that are usually involved in making or enforcing public policy and laws, which are: (a) our President; (b) the chief executive officer in charge of the executive agency overseeing our issue; (c) our Representative in Congress; and (d) our two State Senators
  2. Explaining why the issue is of great national importance
  3. Citing the public authority under which We the People have a right to request representative action in the matter, together with our representatives’ duty to comply with our request
  4. Telling our representatives exactly what we want them to do: e.g., for the President to issue an Executive Order creating a certain public policy for the relevant executive agency to follow; and for our Representatives and Senators in Congress to support the public policy set forth in the Executive Order, together with creating or amending legislation which will solve the underlying problem that the Executive Order is temporarily fixing.
  5. Sending the letter to our public representatives in the hundreds of thousands or millions to provide them with evidence of our public will in the matter, which they can use to leverage or defend political action on our behalf

The following is an example of an administrative letter which is asking some objectively reasonable questions about federal taxation, which is actually a “hot potato” issue involving public corruption, wherein the intended remedy is ultimately our being granted access to a Grand Jury, which has the inherent legal authority and public powers necessary to investigate and prosecute the matter on our behalf. In the event that our public representatives do not comply with our administrative request, then our alternative remedy is to directly establish public policy or law through the ballot initiative process. The letter template is in standard business letter format, as follows:

Your name


City, state, postal code


President Donald J. Trump; The White House; 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW; Washington, DC 20500

Commissioner Charles P. Rettig; Internal Revenue Service; 1111 Constitution Avenue, NW; Washington, D.C. 20224

Representative [name]; address; Washington, DC, postal code

Senator [name]; address; Washington, DC, postal code

Senator [name]; address; Washington, DC, postal code

Re: Questions concerning federal tax liability

Dear Public Representatives,

I am writing to you in my capacity as one of We the People, who are the creators of our government and having the authority to protect our Constitution. This letter presents questions of great national importance affecting the rights and duties of millions of private sector working-class Americans in relation to our Internal Revenue laws. We require straightforward answers which will assist us in properly determining the legal status of our pay when preparing federal tax returns.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) asserts in its official publications, forms, liens and levy actions, that all Americans are liable for a federal income tax on our wages of labor and earnings from self-employment. The IRS sanctions third-party reporting about our pay on the IRS forms W-2 and 1099, which the IRS routinely uses to assert that we have a federal income tax liability.

Whereas Article I of our Constitution prohibits direct federal taxation without apportionment and the last time Congress levied a direct tax was in 1861, which expired in 1872, taken together with the fact that the Sixteenth Amendment did not repeal or modify Article I, it is not clear how the IRS federal taxation, lien and levy policies and practices involving the forms W-2, 1099, and 1040 conform to the basic elements of direct and indirect federal taxation under our Constitution, or to our Internal Revenue laws.

Therefore, pursuant to your oath of office to uphold and defend our Constitution, and your duties thereunder, please assist us in understanding our rights and duties in this matter by answering the following straightforward questions:

  1. Concerning the IRS Form W-2, identify any sections of the Internal Revenue Code that levy a tax with respect to the wages of labor.
  2. What is the subject of the tax?
  3. What is the measure of the tax?
  4. In accordance with the basic elements of direct and indirect federal taxation under the Constitution, how is the tax a circuitous mode of reaching the revenue of the individual? [1]
  5. Concerning the IRS Form 1099-MISC, identify any sections of the Internal Revenue Code that levy a tax with respect to non-employee compensation.
  6. What is the subject of the tax?
  7. What is the measure of the tax?
  8. How is the tax a circuitous mode of reaching the revenue of the individual?
  9. Concerning the IRS Form 1099-K, identify any sections of the Internal Revenue Code that levy a tax with respect to an individual utilizing a merchant processing service for conducting retail sales over the Internet.
  10. What is the subject of the tax?
  11. What is the measure of the tax?
  12. How is the tax a circuitous mode of reaching the revenue of the individual?

Thank you for in advance for your cooperation by providing truthful, complete, and timely answers to our questions.

Best regards,

Your name

[1] White, R. (2019). Direct and Indirect Taxation Under the Constitution. American Popular Sovereignty; A guide to restoring participatory government and achieving remedy. (pp. 280-294). Fort Worth, TX: APS Education.


Citizen Homework:

Take the letter above and complete with your name, address and mail or email to your Congressional representatives. Or write a letter of your own about a topic that you feel is important for the President, your Senators, or Congressional representatives.

Then mail or press the send tab. Our government works when we get involved.

Contact Congress

Contact the White House

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6 thoughts on “How to Write a Letter to Congressional Representatives and the President”

  1. A f waste of time–i don’t write-email-or letter these punks anymore..They NEVER answer the question or concern directly–but spew a 3 page reply of worthless paragraphs..

    1. If you will kindly notice, the letter example is addressed to five different public offices, not just one office, and that in the article I stated that our remedy is ultimately with a Grand Jury. Resistance from corrupt public representatives is to be expected as part of “business as usual”. The object of the letter-writing campaign is to gain access to a Grand Jury, which has the legal authority and public powers to force answers to the Twelve Questions presented to our President, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and to our Representatives and Senators in Congress. The civics education and strategies for achieving remedy presented in American Popular Sovereignty constitute “a completely new game” in American politics.

  2. A Synchronicity. Taxation:
    My youngest son, who has been working since he was 15, now nineteen and living independently has approached me recently on the subject of taxation. Like many youth leaving the nest, it is not an easy transition to adulting, Especially in the financial aspect.
    Seeing so much of his earnings being deducted from his income when he is just barely earning enough to pay for his basic needs for independent living was frustrating him.
    Of course, none to little time in the course of his public education, did they teach him about taxation.
    What a dilemma for an awakened parent to have to explain to their child that 50% of your income is being siphoned from you in the form of taxation, all the while knowing the reality of taxation could likely damage his zeal and ambition to forge ahead under these conditions. I’m not sure it can be avoided.
    First we navigated through his W2 statement as well as his W4, what all those letters represented, I won’t delve deeper into that other than to say that he said this wasn’t 50% more like 25%. I agreed, then came the shocker, we pulled out all his utility bills, receipts for his purchases, insurance, personal property tax, etc. explained to him that nearly every dollar transaction has an associated tax on top of the purchase. Some had more than 1 tax assessed with the purchase. Again I won’t bore you with the details, you can look them up yourself.
    Well this was quite eye opening to him to say the least, we then proceeded to discuss taxing the rich and why they received huge tax cuts and why that was a good thing.
    Unlike him corporations weren’t in all actuality paying the high taxes that were assessed them, that he was actually the one paying the taxes of those in corporations and business in the form of higher prices for the products. Passed down to the consumers.
    I doubt I was able to succeed in not souring his ambition and zeal to forge his way in this atmosphere of unhinged spending of the American tax dollars by politicians with no connection of how hard it is for regular people to survive, but to even get ahead of the curve, when the cost of living is so high, wages so low when entering the workforce and the government’s siphoning of 50% of his wages.
    So yes this is a great letter you have compiled to send to the politicians, and valuable for those who want to know how the system has ended up in such a disgraceful state of financial irresponsibility.

  3. The IRS is the deepest of the deep state, a completely illegitimate off-shore extortion organization with no authority within the fifty America states. Because of their enormous size, financial clout and corrupt influence over federal judges and DOJ officials, Americans have come to fear and pay them without questioning whether they are actually liable, and “voluntarily” waiving their rights under penalties of perjury, thus foreclosing any post-filing claim that they were not actually liable in the first place.

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