Zoom spies on the world for the Pilgrims Society via China

Douglas, Michael, and Tyla explain why Zoom is a dangerous Chinese product designed to surveil Americans at work and play for the benefit of the Highlands Group, communist China, the Pilgrims Society, and the British Imperial Empire.

Raw audio file: https://truthbitsblog.files.wordpress.com/2020/09/zoom-is-chinese-surveillance.mp3

We have been watching with much consternation the roll out of the video conferencing platform called Zoom. Its spectacular rise in popularity has been fueled by the forced imprisonment of citizens in their homes during the COVID false flag operation intended to lock down all humanity in a digital prison planet for the benefit of the Pilgrims Society’s total control of the world.

As their evil always starts, you think it is so nice and convenient. And FREE, too. Everyone in your family can connect by Zoom and have social interactions while being confined to their home imprisonment. Next, Zoom became the online vehicle to run your business meetings. We had a first hand experience of a local court proceeding where we were required to participate by Zoom. No courtroom and bailiff. Just the judge, plaintiff, defendant, and witness all on a Zoom call. Totally unprofessional and spooky, knowing what we do about internet surveillance.

Millions of students across the world have been forced into Zoom classrooms. They sit in front of their computer for the designated class time, all the while being surveiled and observed by who knows what, from who knows where, while being electronically tethered to their device during the set classroom day/time. There have been many reports of pornography just showing up in random picture frames. (We will explain why this happens during our audio discussion.)

And wouldn’t you know it…we found the same nest of swamp rats that we always find in these interlocking relationships and hedge funds.

Just like Tik Tok, ZOOM is a CHINA company.

CHINA is spying on each and every ZOOM call we make. In July 2020, President Trump banned Tik Tok from the United States because if its ties to China.

We need to do the same with Zoom, as well as immediately ban any government use of Zoom in the United States. No government meeting should EVER be conducted over Zoom. China is watching, listening, and recording. Period.

Here’s a look at a component needed to run Zoom. And it just so happens that our team has the experience to explain how this operates and why it gives China a portal into every home, school, office, and Zoom meeting in the world.


Read more under this headline link:

Zoom is a China Surveillance Operation

8 thoughts on “Zoom spies on the world for the Pilgrims Society via China”

  1. WWW, World Wide Web, It genuinely is a web, consisting of back doors, spyware, tracking apps, facial recognition, surveillance, data mining, tracking device and much more. I sure don’t have a clue as to how Michael will be able to untangle this web, how we will ever get back our private information, our bios, our independence. The damage done by these systems and their nefarious actors is immeasurable. Truly is a beast out of control.

  2. 👍

    On Thu, 17 Sep 2020, 4:47 am Patriots for Truth, wrote:

    > Our Spirit posted: ” Douglas, Michael, and Tyla explain why Zoom is a > dangerous Chinese product designed to surveil Americans at work and play > for the benefit of the Highlands Group, communist China, the Pilgrims > Society, and the British Imperial Empire. Raw audio” >

  3. How does Adobe Meeting compare to Zoom (regarding security of meeting contents)? I felt that the switch-over from Adobe to Zoom was suspiciously rapid. (Maybe the price of Zoom was lower than Adobe?)

    Second question: What would be a better alternative to Zoom that we could use now?

    Third question:
    (a) What is your opinion of Linux (supposedly open-source software),
    (b) Jitsi (open-source multiplatform voice, videoconferencing and instant messaging).


    – WestPacSailor (and witness to US government collision to transfer communications tech to Red China).

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