John and Jane Roberts – Child Trafficking or Legitimate Adoptions?


John G. Roberts, Jr. can put this adoption question to rest simply by showing his adoption papers. Attempts to discover those Roberts adoption papers of his two Irish children in the Irish archives have not been successful so far.

She seems to be running a key hiring feeder system for the Crown Agents/Pilgrims and their minions at the Senior Executive Service (SES) from her perch at Major Lindsey & Africa LLP. Those facts we could and did verify.

Is the new Federal Circuit whistleblower the disgraced Executive and Chief Clerk Jan Horbaly? He would know skeletons. He quit just as questions about the Facebook financial holdings of the judges in our case (Alan Lourie, Evan Wallach (Harry Reid’s former chief counsel–NO PATENT LAW KNOWLEDGE AT ALL), and  Kimberly Moore) heated up.

James P. Chandler, III (before he was Leader Technologies’ social networking invention patent attorney) was the chief advisor to the Federal Circuit during the early Clinton Administration forward. He is likely the advisor to Bush that pushed Roberts forward. The “Internet of Things” agenda using our stolen social networking inventions was in full swing by then. Roberts held Fidelity Contrafund stock at the time of Leader v. Facebook, but failed to disclose it when our case came before him. Contrafund was the largest mutual fund shareholder in Facebook at the IPO.

Here are some more articles discussing his adoptions:

2 thoughts on “John and Jane Roberts – Child Trafficking or Legitimate Adoptions?”

  1. THE ROBERTS ARE 100% INVOLVED IN CHILD TRAFFICKING… (British Monarchy Gestapo-Canada/USA Bush-Cheney Administration/Obama Administration Alerted 2014-Documents/ SCOTUS 2015 Marriage Ruling/ Obamacare Ruling/Daca Ruling. F.B.I Cover-up) DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!

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