
Britannia has fallen and is an enemy of Truth; she is dragging America down with her.

When we write “British,” we mean self-anointed British elitists, not the British people

Philip Whitwell Wilson: the “Christian” socialist Pilgrims Society journalist viper pope of the British Empire new world order—probably did more to eviscerate Christianity with his forked tongue than any other influencer in the 20th century

Anglophiles want debauched aristocracy for themselves, and socialism / communism for you; 1776 only slowed them down.

America must dissemble every institution overrun by Britannia’s demons before they totally consume us too.

Without a Christian moral rudder, the American ship of state will sink (paraphrasing John Adams).

British bankers were overtaken centuries ago by an addiction to abuse of their fellow human beings through slavery, sodomy, rape and pedophilia; this has not stopped or even slowed, its only changed its veneer.

Faithful Christians have been their only counter, so they cajole Christian clery into which socialism, which many follow blindly, while polishing their medals and contrived accolades.

One heretofore unknown actor in this tragedy is Phil Whitwell Wilson, son of a London Bible publisher turned socialist advocate of the “social gospel.”

P. Whitwell Wilson’s socialist influence spans Bolshevism, communism, Salvation Army, Y.M.C.A., Vladimir Lenin, journalism, spying, propaganda, human and drug trafficking, money laundering, United Nations, “Five Eyes”—whatever it took to destroy Christian opposition.

In the video below, Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel explains what this newly-uncovered history means. Then continue your education by reading:

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