Physical Immortality and Shades of a Zombie Apocalypse

“The world is deep, deeper than day can comprehend.”


By Brian Lynch, American Intelligence Media contributor

We must move beyond environmentally based sense perception or mere psychology in order to engage a spiritually scientific understanding of the invisible organizations operating in our consciousness (or lack of it).

For instance, how can we hope to master our destiny when one-third of our life is unaccountable and missing? We have yet to comprehend the night.

We are sleeping at our post. If we prematurely claim a position of mastery when we are still only apprentices, we run the risk of experiencing the declaration resounding through Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: “You are my creator, but I am your master; Obey!” Descarte’s dream of a mechanical universe may yet turn into a nightmare.

The materialistic world view is asleep to the meaning of world events and as a consequence often problematically trapped in the self same world events, shades of Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby.

I remember being fortunate enough to be present in a small gathering listening to a presentation on the history of technology being delivered by Joseph Weizenbaum who was often referred to as the father of AI (artificial intelligence).  He was painting a critical but objective picture regarding the pervasive presence of computers in our lives.

One of the fellows in the back piped up with a question, “Mr. Weizenbaum, what about all of the optimistic promises of technology?” Whereupon, Joseph replied, “I wish I could verify such promise, but the history of technology does not bear it out. Take for instance the proliferation of nuclear armaments which is such that, when SALT talks are held and proposals are made, more often than not such proposals to limit can’t be engaged because of the very presence and extent of the surrounding armaments.”

In other words, what we have surrounded ourselves with limits our choices and is no longer under our control – hence the need (in this arena) to rely on the default position of MAD; the threat of mutually assured destruction, as the primary deterrent to the use of nuclear arms.


Don’t be evil” is the motto of Google‘s corporate code of conduct and an appropriate admonition arising from out of its naïve youth (2000). Google has now been labeled the Manhattan Project of AI, representing the third revolution in military warfare: gunpowder/nuclear arms and… AI. After claiming no military ambitions or agenda, Google is put into a competitive position with Amazon which has been busy cozying up to the Department of Defense to develop image recognition technology, while Microsoft has been promoting a new cloud technology that will securely handle classified information on behalf of every branch of the military, as well as various defense agencies. The financial lure of fully autonomous weaponry is definitely a major temptation in the wilderness and truly a form of madness.

Most modern adults have no compunction about allowing the largely unqualified and often surreal landscape of quantum physics subnature into their daily realities (as is the case with electricity, magnetism and nuclear forces), despite the fact that it is characterized by its largely invisible operations. How ironic that the same unquestioning ease and accommodation regarding the foreign landscapes of particle physics (quarks/leptons/bosons, etc.) doesn’t apply to supernatural realms such as the soul and spirit (seraphim/cherubim/thrones, etc.).

We are increasingly surrounded by invisible forces which constitute an intellectual purgatory insofar as they have no moral, aesthetic or artistic qualifications. The field of Artificial Intelligence is a paramount case in point. Some of the most talented innovators admit that exactly how AI works escapes understanding and that the challenge of “big data” and “deep learning” are currently beyond individual human comprehension – almost a materialistic form of quantitative transubstantiation.

In spiritual scientific terms moral and aesthetic considerations require understanding and wisdom (beyond knowledge). As Martin Luther King put it, we now have guided missiles attended by unguided men. If our intellect is not oriented to a higher Self it will seek out and invoke increasingly inhuman complications.

The Supreme Court granted corporations entitlement to personhood in 1886 in what William Greider termed the greatest legal blunder in human history (Santa Clara County Vs. Southern Pacific Railroad). This decision was consonant with Wilhelm Wundt’s 19th century determination to rid ‘progressive’ science of that nonexistent artifact known as the soul. The bastard offspring of such initiatives took place on January 13, 2017 when the EU voted to grant “electronic personhood” to robots (specifically, the Cyberdyne T-800’s).

electronic personhood

The hijacked corporate charter is being used to reinstate the domain of the ancient king, ancient priest, ancient law (operating globally from the top down through a selective sovereignty) in order to intercept and arrest the development of a new king, new priest, new law (operating from the bottom up through a civil, individual sovereignty). When we become in debt or are under charge, demand, or obligation to a corporation, we are designated as sub-sovereign and can be treated as a resource or property to the same. On the other hand corporate property and resources share its entitlement to the usurped chip of sovereignty and can subsequently sue us.

Computer technology heralds the reinstatement of an oracle cult gone global. It is suggestive of the vain query, “Mirror, mirror on the wall – who is the fairest of them all.’  One of the great dangers challenging us now is the rapid increasing dependency on our toys and tools.

Many of us would feel helpless without a cell phone or a computer as a means to a prophecy of convenience (e.g., weather and finance). There is also the tendency to treat media declarations and opinions as untested truth. Current science is dedicated to what is useful, often at the expense of truth. AI eliminates the distinction between what is true Deep Mindand what is untrue, developing a cognitive architecture that standardizes (and hence, commercializes) thinking. It relies upon probabilistic logic with regard to context and pattern recognition and converts this into unstoppable inhuman skills development.

Deepmind, a subsidiary of Google has now mastered human games and game strategy. Human beings are no longer contenders. We are now entering a realm that is increasingly referred to as ‘post human’ or perhaps more encouragingly as ‘transhumanism’.

At the end of human evolution on this earth we will ultimately be offered a choice between becoming new angels or emerging as a class of demons never before witnessed in this solar system (Apocalypse and Revelation of John: the separation of the sheep from the goats). The world is deeper than day (or the intellect) can comprehend.

Transcendence is rapidly becoming a modern mystery threshold which AI approaches as an engineering problem. As a case in point, Ray Kurzweil (Director of Google Research) is dedicated to finding a path to physical immortality which culminates in bringing his dead father back to life.

Does replicating the input/output function of the standard 5 senses constitute life? By coupling android function with the realm of the dead (extended Singularity) is it possible to find a ‘successful’ resolution to transcendence for the living as an engineering problem?

The term ‘robot’ is of Czech derivation suggesting a being or presence of forced labor or compulsory service representing drudgery and hardship.

Imagine what would happen if these ‘qualities’ were assigned to our reanimated dead as part of the pursuit of physical immortality – shades of a zombie apocalypse. Rudolf Steiner indicated that the true motive force behind the operation of our machinery and technology is the collective unused will forces of the recently deceased.

The world is deeper than day (or the intellect) can comprehend. Consciousness extended into the night is the only way we can regain our sovereign identity by becoming a species unto Self.

2 thoughts on “Physical Immortality and Shades of a Zombie Apocalypse”

  1. Interesting synopsis, though my insight tells me that AI is here to stay and will likely advance more rapidly than ever before. That leaves us little time to create doctrines and ideologies to adhere to, so that a meaningful and purposeful place can be reserved for AI. For more philosophical thoughts please listen to this lecture.

  2. I thought of this quote from “The Urantia Book: Revealing the Mysteries of God, the Universe, World History, Jesus, and Ourselves” by Multiple Authors –

    “1. Religion and Social Reconstruction 99:1.1 Mechanical inventions and the dissemination of knowledge are modifying civilization; certain economic adjustments and social changes are imperative if cultural disaster is to be avoided. This new and oncoming social order will not settle down complacently for a millennium. The human race must become reconciled to a procession of changes, adjustments, and readjustments. Mankind is on the march toward a new and unrevealed planetary destiny. 99:1.2 Religion must become a forceful influence for moral stability and spiritual progression functioning dynamically in the midst of these ever-changing conditions and never-ending economic adjustments. 99:1.3 Urantia society can never hope to settle down as in past ages. The social ship has steamed out of the sheltered bays of established tradition and has begun its cruise upon the high seas of evolutionary destiny; and the soul of man, as never before in the world’s history, needs carefully to scrutinize its charts of morality and painstakingly to observe the compass of religious guidance. The paramount mission of religion as a social influence is to stabilize the ideals of mankind during these dangerous times of transition from one phase of civilization to another, from one level of culture to another.”

    Start reading this book for free:

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