Brett Kavanaugh Swims With SES Sharks

Brett M. Kavanaugh, 2004 Plum Book

Senate Judicial Confirmation Hearing, 2004

“You are the company you keep”

“These RINOs orchestrated 9/11.”

H. Prt. 108-955. (Nov. 22, 2004). Plum Book, Policy and Supporting Positions. Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. U.S. Senate, 106th Congress, 2d Session. Y 4.P 84/10:P 75/. GPO.

2004 Plum Book, p. 12

Kavanaugh - SES 1

All in the SES family. Kavanaugh’s wife is SES, yet he failed to disclose in his nomination speech that she, too, worked for Baby Bush.

Ashley Kavanaugh

2004 Plum Book, p.  13.


Ullyot TheodoreTheodore W. Ullyot became a mega millionaire after the Facebook initial public offering following Leader v. Facebook.

He presided over the fraud against the court in Leader v. Facebook by telling the court that Zuckerberg’s computers and hard drives from the 2003-2004 time period were “lost.” They were magically “found” (28 of them) just two days after the Federal Circuit court of appeals continued to rally around Facebook (and their massive personal investments in Facebook interests).

Theodore W. Ullyot (Facebook general counsel). (Accessed Jul. 13, 2018). Form 4, Insider Trading. SEC.

Ullyot Facebook

Comey is SES


Wray and Mueller are SES

Wray SESMueller SES.JPG

Dabney L. Friedrich – SES Deep State shadow government investor:

Horowitz AFIServed on the SES U.S. Sentencing Commission with DOJ Inspector General Michael E.Horowitz

In 2004, Kavanaugh’s SES colleague Karl Rove was rigging the Ohio election.

rove AFI

Kavanaugh confirmation hearing 1Kavanaugh confirmation hearing 2Kavanaugh confirmation hearing 3.JPG

We are sick and tired of Skull and Bonesmen. What kind of blackmail do they have on Kav?

Kavanaugh education

More SES grooming from the evil George Bush

Kavanaugh and Bush

Covington Burling LLP – where Eric H. Holder, Jr. hangs out now.

Williams & Connolly LLP – James P. Chandler, III’s go to for all FOIA stonewalling in the Hillary non-investigation.

Kavanaugh and Eric Holder

What skeletons will we find in this closet?

Kavanaugh Georgetown

Loves his SES Deep State media buddies

Kavanaugh and media

Protects the Clintons

Kavanaugh Foster

Deep State SES shadow government and his crony corporate bunk buddies:

Kavanaugh and law firms

Post-9/11 stonewalling excuse maker for Chief FOIA stonewaller, James P. Chandler, III, with his former law firm Williams & Connolly LLP.

Kavanaugh and records

Might as well have said “I represented the rogue C.I.A.”

Kavanaugh and rogue CIA.JPG

Kav helps RINOs with election rigging

Kavanaugh and elections.JPG

Bunk buddies Mueller and Comey handled this investigation.

Kavanaugh and FBI

This was his net worth then…can’t wait to see what he reports in his SCOTUS hearing.

Kavanaugh net worth

Kavanaugh financial disclosure.JPG

Translated in SES-speak “exempt” means “I don’t have to tell you peons a thing”.

Kav exempt 1Kav exempt 2Kav exempt 3Kav exempt 4Kav exempt 5
